The History of
St. Patrick Church
Take a trip down memory lane to understand our history and walk hand-in-hand with us into the future.
Take a trip down memory lane to understand our history and walk hand-in-hand with us into the future.
Fr. James McLaughlin
During this time Mass was celebrated at Box Springs school multi-purpose room & for special liturgies, private residences were used.
$200,000 donated by St. Christopher for initial expenses & rectory.
Fr. James McLaughlin
Fr. Fructoso Morquillas
Leased 6235 Rivercrest location.
Towngate property donated by Fritz Duda.
1st Capital campaign started "Building Our Future"
Fr. James McLaughlin (pictured on right)
Fr. Fructoso Morquillas
Leased 6296 Rivercrest location.
The Towngate property was refused due to environmental issues. Moved to larger space near the DMV due to growing parishioner community.
Fr. James McLaughlin
Fr. Fructoso Morquillas
Leased 6296 Rivercrest location.
Purchased Pigeon Pass Rd property (9.5 acres) for $951,000
1996 purchased 9.16 acres & single family dwelling at 10915 Pigeon Pass Rd.
Parish office. Fr. James celebrated daily Mass at this residence/office location. Moved into residence on Pigeon Pass property.
2nd Capital Campaign started "We Are the Builders."
Fr. James McLaughlin
Fr. Fructoso Morquillas
Leased 6296 Rivercrest / Moved into Pigeon Pass property
Ministry Center dedicated in 6/2001 & Fr. James McLaughlin celebrated first Mass.
3rd Capital Campaign started "Sharing our gifts to Open Wide the Doors to Christ"
Kirsten Thorstad, PC
Fr. Omer Luzolo
Fr. Fructoso Morquillas
Fr. Matthew Vanissery
Pigeon Passs Rd - Ministry Center.
Bishop requested 1500 seats.
Kirsten Thorstad, PC
Fr. John Schweikert
Fr. Fructoso Morquillas
4th Capital Campaign "Name" in conjunction with DDF
Kirsten Thorstad, PC
Fr. John Hindman
Fr. Fernando Iglesias
5th Capital Campaign started "We Will Raise it Up."
Dcn Richard Heames, PC
La Salette priests
Fr. Fernando Iglesias
Pigeon Pass Rd - Ministry Center
Economic downturn in USA.
6th Capital campaign started "Paving the Road."
Legal expense for Eternal Springs property acquisition, Capital Campaign consultant, Architect & Civil Engineering for upper lot/church pad (per Bishop).
Dcn Richard Heames, PC
La Salette priests
Pigeon Passs Rd - Ministry Center.
Census data base "cleaned."
Received approval to build a church that will fit on existing pad as originally planned.
Architect & Legal for construction of St Patrick Way (w Eternal Springs) and upper parking lot.
Dcn Richard Heames, PC
Fr. Gregory Elder (pictured in center)
Fr. Francisco Gomez
Fr. Fernando Iglesias
Pigeon Passs Rd - Ministry Center.
DDF Goal met by 2nd qtr fiscal yr and cash back to parish bldg fund for the 1st time.
Architect & Legal for construction of St Patrick Way (w Eternal Springs) and upper parking lot.
Fr. Gregory Elder
Fr. Gabriel Vargas
Pigeon Passs Rd - Ministry Center
DDF Goal met 2nd and 3rd quarter of the fiscal year; cash back to parish building fund.
Architect for Master Plan & Design of Church/Sanctuary & Offices/Yth Ctr
Fr. Rafael Partida
Fr. Eloy Trujillo
Fr. Hyacinth Ibeh
DDF goal met in 3rd quarter of the fiscal year; cash back to parish building fund.
Architect/Civil Engr/Legal for Master Plan & Design of Church/Sanctuary & Offices/Yth Ctr
Fr. Rafael Partida, Pastor
Fr. Mark Kotlarczyk
Fr. Johnny Dang
Fr. Rafael Partida, Pastor
Fr. Hector Vasquez
Fr. Joseph Ellison